We make good men better
Meeting the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 7:30 PM.
Freemasonry is an organization of people who believe in brotherhood and helping others. Its members are known as "Freemasons" (in full: "Ancient Free and Accepted Masons", or simply "Masons"). Freemasons also help one another in times of hardship. ... About 6 million people are Freemasons
The United States Masons (also known as Freemasons) originated in England and became a popular association for leading colonials after the first American lodge was founded in Boston in 1733. Masonic brothers pledged to support one another and provide sanctuary if needed.
What do Winston Churchhill, Buzz Aldrin, Count Basie and Jessie Jackson have in common?
Unity Lodge #9
Valatie, NY 12184
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